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Jubilate Women’s Choir Fundraiser


The award-winning Jubilate Ladies’ Choir is organising a female voice concert to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) on Saturday 9th March 2024, in union with guest choirs Reunited in Harmony and the girls’ Chamber Choir of The St Marylebone CE School.  Together, they aim to raise the roof in song and raise life-changing funds for the Marylebone Project, a charity that provides shelter and support for displaced women in London.

Concert details:

The concert takes place at 2.30pm on Saturday 9th March 2024 at St Marylebone Parish Church, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LT. Nearest public transport links are Baker Street, Regent’s Park or Marylebone stations.

– All proceeds from ticket sales and online donations will go towards the work of the Marylebone Project.
– Tickets are £10 (£7 concs/children) and are available online here.
– Donations of any amount can also be made via the same link. £28 could provide a woman facing crisis with a shower, a nutritious hot meal, and a safe place at the Sanctuary at any time of day or night.



Marylebone Road
United Kingdom

Event time

9 Mar 2024
Saturday 2:30 pm